WEIYTH seminar I: To Think (Film) Politically. Art and activism between representation and direct action
WEIYTH Seminar 1
To Think (Film) Politically: Art and activism between representation and direct action
[Video screenings and discussion]
Pogon Jedinstvo (Small Hall)
Sunday, 09/26/2010, 7 pm
In the framework of Operation: City (www.operacijagrad.info)
With: Vladan Jeremic, Jelena Vesić and Dmitry Vilensky
Editor: Jelena Vesić
WEIYTH seminars are part of the project Where Everything Is Yet to Happen, initiated with an international exhibition SpaPort 2009 in Banja Luka, Bosnia and Herzegovina, and developed through the collaboration of DeLVe and a team of international curators and artists. Continuation of the collaboration with a team of co-curators this year takes the form of seminars series that focus on individual topics opened through the first exhibition, among which are: non-essentialist models of community, ethnopolitics, complicity, cooperation, belonging, politics of memory, culturalization of politics, all seeking to articulate some of the key issues of post-traumatic and transitional socio-political realities in the region.

WEIYTH seminar 1, edited by Jelena Vesić is designed as a parallel debate focusing on two among artistic and activist strategies and practices of the politicization of art. The first adopts a model of "direct action", through the production of counter-public, documentary strategies of representation and participation in political movements.
The second formulates a speculative and mediated form of "political approach to art" through critical work within the system of language and art.
The films Belville by Biro Beograd and Partisan Songspiel by the group Chto Delat, which will be screened as a starting point of the debate, address the specific situation of the city struggle, the capitalist appropriation of space and the fascism of everyday life.

In the context of Operation:city, the debate based on the "Belgrade case" opens itself to setting the same questions about the relation between artistic and activist practices in the local context, especially bearing in mind various actions of the Zagreb initiative The Right to the City.
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Organizers: DeLVe | Institute for Duration, Location, and Variables
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Program supported by Ministry of Culture, City of Zagreb - Department for Education, Culture and Sport